Wednesday, June 1, 2011

on the wild side!

On Sunday I went on a short walk to Queens Park just up the street from where I live. I try to walk each day to get in shape and regain that strength lost on the left side. So far so good!

While observing, I noticed a pair of ears and a head bobbing in the tall grass and buttercups in flower. I turned out to be a coyote, or Canis latrans in Latin! It can also be referred to as the American Jackal or prairie wolf. I managed to get a couple of good shots in before it ran off. This was after track it for a few minutes! I posted the photos on my Facebook page and someone commented that he'd like one. They are unpredictable alone and in a pack can be dangerous! I would re-think that idea! I'll have some other photos soon. - V

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