Saturday, October 30, 2010


Its another weekend and I've chosen to spend it at home. I slept in until just after 10 am before getting up to shower and start my day. I started with breakfast, nothing too fancy, just toast, some fruit (a pear) and Earl Grey tea, one of my favourite teas! There are times when a slow, easy day is what's needed. How did your day start off?

After that, I decided to read emails before doing anything else on the computer became impossible that I had to shut it down. That's a problem when it over heats but its strange in that it can either run for hours without issues or just a couple and then crash.

The Christmas cactus on the dining room table is in full bloom. I do hope I still have at least a few flowers left once Christmas comes around. Otherwise, I may have to buy another one, or another Pointsettia plant.

There are a few interesting posts coming up so keep coming back for more! Good night, guys! There'll be more tomorrow (Sunday). - V

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