Thursday, September 11, 2008

Autumn in the air?

Well, it seems autumn has been in the air lately. Nights are cooler for the most part and the other morning I was waiting for the bus to the SkyTrain in thick fog and some drizzle. There are signs of the changing season everywhere like colour on the leaves and seed laden flowers such as above. The above photo of a sunflower with seed was taken last Sunday at West Georgia and Denman Streets in Vancouver. Stanley Park is not too far from that point. However, the coming days should prove to be extremely summer-like with temperatures nearing 30 Celsius over the weekend and into Monday and perhaps the last stretch of very warm weather for a while. Autumns are nice here too, especially before the rains come. Something for Brad to look forward to when he arrives. Enjoy your weekend where you are when you get there! - Volker

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