Thursday, June 17, 2010


Brad was celebrating his birthday on Thursday, June 17th, Atlantic time. The day couldn't pass with out my sending him my greetings and something special added to that. I hope it was an awesome b-day for you!!!

In other news, I had planned to head up to Sasamat Lake, northwest of Port Moody, last Saturday afternoon but I delayed for some reason and its a good thing I did. By late afternoon I was passing blood in my urine and there were the beginning stages of spasms affecting my left kidney. And that's likely why blood was an issue. After that, I started getting gout symptoms in the large knuckle of the large toe in my right foot.

Gout has been with me for the last ten years or so but I've been largely free of it in the last few years but the kidney issue dates back to 2006 when I got very sick after arriving out here in the Vancouver area from Ontario. It was all traced back to a microscopic parasite. This also caused extremely high blood pressure but once treated, my bp was lower than it had been in years. In the late winter and early spring of 2006 there was an awful lot of rain which washed sediment into the water reservoirs. Was the parasite water born? Who knows for sure but the kidney problems date from that earlier incident. Value your health, you just never know when circumstance can change for the worse. However, do not delay your life's dreams! The time for those may pass and it would be sad to have missed out.

Anyway, the kidney has stopped spasming as of yesterday and the gout in the toe is subsiding. My appetite is also back, which is a good thing because there was a lot out of whack for a time.

I bought some plants for the balcony last week as well as the pots to put them in. I'll be picking up potting soil after work Friday and then will likely start planting late Friday and completing that on Saturday morning. So, the rosemary, spanish lavender, blue salvia, mini-roses and wave petunias are designed to add some needed colour to the balcony. Its been far to grey and dull for months with only the odd day here and there with enough sun to tease us. Things in the weather department can only improve since summer is coming very soon as far as the calendar is concerned. Back to the balcony, well, I plan to add a bistro table and chairs to finalize the new look. It would be a great place to hang out as the sun is setting in the evening!

I'll have some photos soon. Now I'm heading off to bed since 5 am comes early. Its nearing 10 pm now. Have a good night, or great day, where ever you may be!!! - V

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