Sunday, June 27, 2010

Reiki and other stuff

Saturday afternoon I met up with my Reiki friend in Vancouver's West End. We talked for hours about many things and all this over tea! It was most refreshing to meet an open minded, laid back individual. They're a rare find these days. We talked about not only Reiki but energy healing in general, about Raja Yoga, which means Kingly Union and focuses on the mind as opposed to Hatha Yoga, which is geared to the body, and then we talked about languages, our families and so on. So, I guess we'll meet up again soon closer to his home next time round.

The weather was mainly sunny with some cloud, quite an improvement from other days where a dull, overcast sky was the norm. We just haven't seen enough sun through the spring. I thrive best when its bright and sunny!

Sunday is a day to get the two weeks of laundry out of the way in the morning and then go out for some shopping in the afternoon. Monday, its back to work for a four day work week. Thursday is July 1, Canada Day and a statutory holiday, so I'll get the stat pay but won't be working that day. I may head up to Sasamat Lake unless there are other plans, and Brad's arrival here from eastern Canada would alter those plans certainly. Have a great Sunday, guys!!! - V

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