Monday, December 26, 2011


I slept in this morning and didn't get up until late.  It was after 11 am when I did.  Then I took a shower and slowly got dressed, and I do mean slowly, a T-shirt first and then more as time went on.  After brunch, I hit the computer.

I even had Brad on my mind for hours before I got up out of bed.  In cases like that, he's likely got me on his as well.  If he was here, we wouldn't be bored, not one bit!

After hours of online research on genetic mutations, mitochondrial DNA and related matters in the hope of finding the cause of my high blood pressure issue (well, one of many possibilities), I've decided to set that all aside and do something else to rest my eyes.

I may watch a movie or two.  I have enough of them on DVD when there's nothing of interest on TV.  So, what did you do on Boxing Day? - V

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