Sunday, August 7, 2011


Its Sunday evening here on the west coast. There's been some resurfacing of the main road being done outside during the evening hours (Thursday and Friday plus some this evening). Back east it would be done during the week days, not after hours or on weekends to save on premium costs of labour. Here I guess they're less concerned with the cost and more with keeping the traffic flowing. The noise just causes an slight issue but I guess that's how they prefer doing things here. I close the bedroom window anyway. Good thing its not as hot as it normally is this time of year.

I cooked up the chorizo venison sausages this evening and had some of them with the leftover rice from the previous night. The sausages are certainly tasty! Now as the evening draws to a close, its time for bed. A new workweek starts in the morning. Have a good night and an awesome week, guys! - V

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