Sunday, August 14, 2011

Eagle Mountain hike

Yesterday was overcast and dull but it did improve considerably by afternoon in time for my hike to Eagle Mountain. The photo above was taken on the mountain trail looking west toward Buntzen Lake. Because of time restraints I wasn't able to cover the distance I had planned which was to hike up as far as Croker Lookout, north of Buntzen Lake. For that, I'll have to leave earlier next time round. As it was, I only made about the third of the distance. There will be more photos as I get them edited. Meantime, enjoy this one! - V


DeepBlue said...

Isn't it your birthday today? Although it's almost over I wish you the best, Volker!
Hope you're your having a good time. I personnally prefer to spend my birthday with my mother. No party, no gathering of friends...
Once again, Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag!

Volker said...

It actually IS my birthday! I had my hike up on Eagle Mountain yesterday, so that I could enjoy a day of rest today. Aside from doing some laundry, minor grocery shopping and editing photos I'd taken yesterday, I've been taking it easy, if you can call all that taking it easy. Next weekend I'm planning to check out the Jug Island Trail, also northwest of Port Moody. Meantime, look for more photos since I'm planning to edit before heading off to bed.

I hope you had a wonderful weekend too! - Volker