Sunday, March 28, 2010

Burnaby Mountain early March

Spring came early here! Here are some photos taken during the first weekend of March with the daffodils in full bloom.
If you remember, I left you with a quiz to figure out a few weeks ago. Well, the sculpture piece in the photo above (bottom left) was the source where the moss was growing. You'll see more related photos below.

The cherry trees were just showing their first blooms as you see in the photo above and below. They've since come into complete flower but the last time I was there about a week ago, it was overcast and not a very good backdrop for photos!

The mountains still had some snow but those further in the interior had even more!
You may recognize the pic above from the autumn post when this spartan tree was full of colour. There'll be more photos to follow. I hope you all had a great weekend!!! - V.

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