Saturday, February 20, 2010

Spring-like signs all around!

I was off to buy a new pair of blue jeans this afternoon but to get to the SkyTrain station I decided to walk to take advantage of the fine weather complete with warm temperatures and blue skies. Since my camera was along, these are just some of the photos that resulted from the shoot along the way.

The photo above has a bumblebee busy collecting nectar from heather flowers (Erica) and it was the colours of yellow, green and blue that caught my attention in the photo below!

Tulips are in bloom too and always a plus to add brightness to a spring scene, not to mention a photo. The last image was taken at 8th Avenue and Braid where a Roman Catholic church is located. Again it was the green of the tree and the white of the building against a blue sky that caught my attention. Enjoy the photos, and enjoy your weekend!!! - V.

1 comment:

Volker said...

Its not for me to judge others, so I keep my words as diplomatic as possible. As I've often heard it said, if you haven't got anything good to say about someone, then say nothing!!! - V.