Sunday, September 20, 2009

buildings and other stuff

One of my other major interests is architecture and how things are built and put together, so excuse the occasional diversion into this realm of interest. So, the above photo shows a row of high-rise condos on West Pender Street in Vancouver, British Columbia. The photo is looking east and upward. The street corner is about two blocks east of where West Pender Street meets West Georgia Street.
There is a building under construction on the north side of West Pender Street in the block one block east of West Georgia Street. In the case of Saturday cement was being pored as seen in the photo above. In the photo below this is a view of high-rise condos along West Georgia Street about a block north of where West Pender Street meets West Georgia. Note the changing colour in the leaves of the maple trees along the sidewalk! - V.

1 comment:

condo manila said...

thanks for letting us all know.. have a great week.

Deirdre G